Source code for pygrappa.cgsense

'''Python implementation of iterative and CG-SENSE.'''

from time import time
import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator, cg

def _fft(x0, axes=None):
    '''Utility Forward FFT function.
    if axes is None:
        axes = np.arange(x0.ndim-1)
    return np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.ifftshift(
        x0, axes=axes), axes=axes), axes=axes)

def _ifft(x0, axes=None):
    '''Utility Inverse FFT function.
    if axes is None:
        axes = np.arange(x0.ndim-1)
    return np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.fftshift(
        x0, axes=axes), axes=axes), axes=axes)

[docs]def cgsense(kspace, sens, coil_axis=-1): '''Conjugate Gradient SENSE for arbitrary Cartesian acquisitions. Parameters ---------- kspace : array_like Undersampled kspace data with exactly 0 in place of missing samples. sens : array_like Coil sensitivity maps. coil_axis : int, optional Dimension of kspace and sens holding the coil data. Returns ------- res : array_like Single coil unaliased estimate (imspace). Notes ----- Implements a Cartesian version of the iterative algorithm described in [1]_. It can handle arbitrary undersampling of Cartesian acquisitions and arbitrarily-dimensional datasets. All dimensions except ``coil_axis`` will be used for reconstruction. This implementation uses the conjugate gradient algorithm to solve A^H A x = A^H b. References ---------- .. [1] Pruessmann, Klaas P., et al. "Advances in sensitivity encoding with arbitrary kā€space trajectories." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 46.4 (2001): 638-651. ''' # Make sure coils are in the back kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, coil_axis, -1) sens = np.moveaxis(sens, coil_axis, -1) tipe = kspace.dtype # Get the sampling mask: dims = kspace.shape[:-1] mask = np.abs(kspace[..., 0]) > 0 # We are solving Ax = b where A takes the unaliased single coil # image x to the undersampled kspace data, b. Since A is usually # not square we'd need to use lsqr/lsmr which can take a while # and won't give great results. So we can make a sqaure encoding # matrix like this: # Ax = b # A^H A x = A^H b # E = A^H A is square! # So now we can solve using scipy's cg() method which luckily # accepts complex inputs! We will need to represent our data # and encoding matrices as vectors and matrices: # A : (sx*sy*nc, sx*sy) # x : (sx*sy,) # b : (sx*sy*nc,) # => E : (sx*sy, sx*sy) def _AH(x0): '''kspace -> imspace''' x0 = np.reshape(x0, kspace.shape) res = np.sum(sens.conj()*_ifft(x0), axis=-1) return np.reshape(res, (-1,)) def _A(x0): '''imspace -> kspace''' res = np.reshape(x0, dims) res = _fft(res[..., None]*sens)*mask[..., None] return np.reshape(res, (-1,)) # Make LinearOperator, A^H b, and use CG to solve def E(x0): return _AH(_A(x0)) AHA = LinearOperator((,, matvec=E, rmatvec=E) b = _AH(np.reshape(kspace, (-1,))) t0 = time() x, _info = cg(AHA, b, atol=0)'CG-SENSE took %g sec' % (time() - t0)) return np.reshape(x, dims).astype(tipe)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass