Source code for pygrappa.gfactor

'''Calculate g-factor maps.'''

import numpy as np

[docs]def gfactor(coils, Rx, Ry, coil_axis=-1, tol=1e-6): '''Compute g-factor map for coil sensitities and accelerations. Parameters ---------- C : array_like Array of coil sensitivities Ry : int, x acceleration Ry : int y acceleration coil_axis : int, optional Dimension holding coil data. tol : float, optional Returns ------- g : array_like g-factor map Notes ----- Adapted from John Pauly's MATLAB script found at [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Solutions/assignment_4_solns.pdf ''' # Coils to da back coils = np.moveaxis(coils, coil_axis, -1) nx, ny, _nc = coils.shape[:] # Get a reference SOS image sos = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(coils)**2, axis=-1)) nrx = nx/Rx nry = ny/Ry g = np.zeros((nx, ny)) for idx in np.ndindex((nx, ny)): ii, jj = idx[:] if sos[ii, jj] > tol: s = [] for LXLY in np.ndindex((Rx, Ry)): LX, LY = LXLY[:] ndx = int(np.mod(ii + LX*nrx, nx)) ndy = int(np.mod(jj + LY*nry, ny)) CT = coils[ndx, ndy, :] if ((LX == 0) and (LY == 0)): s.append(CT) elif sos[ndx, ndy] > tol: s.append(CT) s = np.array(s).T scs = (s.conj().T @ s).real scsi = np.linalg.pinv(scs) g[ii, jj] = np.sqrt(scs[0, 0]*scsi[0, 0]) return g
[docs]def gfactor_single_coil_R2(coil, Rx=2, Ry=1): '''Specific example of a single homogeneous coil, R=2. Parameters ---------- coil : array_like Single coil sensitivity. Ry : int, x acceleration Ry : int y acceleration Returns ------- g : array_like g-factor map Notes ----- Analytical solution for a single, homogeneous coil with an undersampling factor of R=2. Equation 11 in [2]_. Comparing head-to-head with pygrappa.gfactor(), this does produce different results. I don't know which one is more correct... References ---------- .. [2] Blaimer, Martin, et al. "Virtual coil concept for improved parallel MRI employing conjugate symmetric signals." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 61.1 (2009): 93-102. ''' assert coil.ndim == 2, 'Must be single coil!' assert (Rx == 2 and Ry == 1) or (Rx == 1 and Ry == 2), ( 'Only one of Rx, Ry can be 2!') mask = np.abs(coil) > 0 if Rx == 2: shifted = np.fft.fftshift(np.angle(coil), axes=0) else: shifted = np.fft.fftshift(np.angle(coil), axes=1) return mask/np.sin(np.abs(np.angle(coil) - shifted))
if __name__ == '__main__': pass