Source code for pygrappa.grappaop

'''Python implementation of the GRAPPA operator formalism.'''

import numpy as np

[docs]def grappaop(calib, coil_axis=-1, lamda=0.01): '''GRAPPA operator for Cartesian calibration datasets. Parameters ---------- calib : array_like Calibration region data. Usually a small portion from the center of kspace. coil_axis : int, optional Dimension holding coil data. lamda : float, optional Tikhonov regularization parameter. Set to 0 for no regularization. Returns ------- Gx, Gy : array_like GRAPPA operators for both the x and y directions. Notes ----- Produces the unit operator described in [1]_. This seems to only work well when coil sensitivities are very well separated/distinct. If coil sensitivities are similar, operators perform poorly. References ---------- .. [1] Griswold, Mark A., et al. "Parallel magnetic resonance imaging using the GRAPPA operator formalism." Magnetic resonance in medicine 54.6 (2005): 1553-1556. ''' # Coil axis in the back calib = np.moveaxis(calib, coil_axis, -1) _cx, _cy, nc = calib.shape[:] # We need sources (last source has no target!) Sx = np.reshape(calib[:-1, ...], (-1, nc)) Sy = np.reshape(calib[:, :-1, :], (-1, nc)) # And we need targets for an operator along each axis (first # target has no associated source!) Tx = np.reshape(calib[1:, ...], (-1, nc)) Ty = np.reshape(calib[:, 1:, :], (-1, nc)) # Train the operators: Sxh = Sx.conj().T lamda0 = lamda*np.linalg.norm(Sxh)/Sxh.shape[0] Gx = np.linalg.solve( Sxh @ Sx + lamda0*np.eye(Sxh.shape[0]), Sxh @ Tx) Syh = Sy.conj().T lamda0 = lamda*np.linalg.norm(Syh)/Syh.shape[0] Gy = np.linalg.solve( Syh @ Sy + lamda0*np.eye(Syh.shape[0]), Syh @ Ty) return(Gx, Gy)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass