Source code for pygrappa.nlgrappa_matlab

'''Python port of MATLAB script.'''

import numpy as np
from tqdm import trange

[docs]def nlgrappa_matlab( reduced_fourier_data, ORF, pe_loc, acs_data, acs_line_loc, num_block, num_column, times_comp): '''Python port of original NL-GRAPPA script. Parameters ---------- reduced_fourier_data : array_like undersampled k-space data ORF : int outer reduction factor pe_loc : array_like undersampled phase-encoding lines' location acs_data : array_like auto-calibration signal data (middle region of k-space) acs_line_loc : array_like auto-calibration signal lines' location num_block : int number of blocks num_column : int number of columns times_comp : int times of the number of the first-order terms (the number of the second-order terms = time_comp X the number of the first-order terms) Returns ------- full_fourier_data : array_like reconstructed k-space (with ACS replacement) rec_img : array_like reconstructed image coef0 : array_like coefficients for reconstruction Notes ----- time_comp parameter As the parameter time_comp increases, relevant second-order terms are added for reconstruction. When time_comp = 1 MATLAB script: Written by: Yuchou Chang, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Email:; Created on Oct. 12, 2011 References ---------- .. [1] Y. Chang, D. Liang, L. Ying, "Nonlinear GRAPPA: A Kernel Approach to Parallel MRI Reconstruction". Magn. Reson. Med. 2012 ''' # Get dimensions and initialization d1_reduced, d2, num_coil = reduced_fourier_data.shape[:] d1 = d1_reduced*ORF # Not sure what this is about, but including from MATLAB script: if ORF == 3: d1 = d1_reduced*ORF - 2 elif ORF == 5: d1 = d1_reduced*ORF - 4 elif ORF == 6: d1 = d1_reduced*ORF - 2 # Decide which lines are possible lines to fit all_acquired_line_loc = np.unique(np.sort(np.concatenate( (pe_loc, acs_line_loc)))) combined_fourier_data = np.zeros( (d1, d2, num_coil), dtype=reduced_fourier_data.dtype) combined_fourier_data[pe_loc, ...] = reduced_fourier_data.copy() combined_fourier_data[acs_line_loc, ...] = acs_data.copy() ind_first = np.squeeze( np.argwhere(all_acquired_line_loc == acs_line_loc[0])) ind_last = np.squeeze( np.argwhere(all_acquired_line_loc == acs_line_loc[-1])) # Form the structure that indicates where lines are fitted valid_flag = False # Use a dictionary like a cell array: # line_group = cell(num_block, ORF-1) line_group = dict() for ii in range(num_block): for jj in range(ORF-1): line_group[(ii, jj)] = None for s in range(ind_first, ind_last): for mode in range(num_block): for offset in range(ORF-1): tmp = all_acquired_line_loc[s] - offset - mode*ORF - 1 tentative_line_ind = np.arange( tmp, tmp + num_block*ORF, ORF) valid_flag = True for t in range(num_block): if not np.argwhere( all_acquired_line_loc == tentative_line_ind[t]).size: valid_flag = False break if valid_flag: if line_group[(mode, offset)] is None: line_group[(mode, offset)] = np.atleast_2d( np.unique(np.concatenate(( [all_acquired_line_loc[s]], tentative_line_ind))[None, :], axis=0)) else: line_group[(mode, offset)] = np.unique( np.concatenate(( line_group[(mode, offset)], np.concatenate(( [all_acquired_line_loc[s]], tentative_line_ind))[None, :]), axis=0), axis=0) # Solve for the weighting coefficients fit_coef = np.zeros( (num_coil, ORF-1, num_block, (times_comp+1)*num_block*num_coil*num_column), dtype=reduced_fourier_data.dtype) for jj in trange(num_coil, desc='Loop 1'): for offset in range(ORF-1): for mode in range(num_block): fit_mat = np.zeros(( num_block*num_coil*num_column, d2*line_group[(mode, offset)].shape[0]), dtype=reduced_fourier_data.dtype) target_vec = np.zeros(( 1, d2*line_group[(mode, offset)].shape[0]), dtype=reduced_fourier_data.dtype) for nn in range(line_group[(mode, offset)].shape[0]): temp_data = combined_fourier_data[line_group[(mode, offset)][nn, 1:], ...] temp_data = temp_data.transpose((0, 2, 1)) temp_data = np.reshape(temp_data, (num_block*num_coil, d2), order='F') tmp = num_block*num_coil*int(np.floor(num_column/2)) fit_mat[ tmp:tmp+num_block*num_coil, (nn*d2):((nn+1)*d2)] = temp_data.copy() target_vec[:, nn*d2:(nn+1)*d2] = combined_fourier_data[line_group[(mode, offset)][nn, 0], :, jj] tmp = num_block*num_coil transfer_matrix = fit_mat[ (tmp*int(np.floor(num_column/2))): tmp*(int(np.floor(num_column/2))+1), :] column_label = np.concatenate(( np.arange(np.floor(num_column/2), dtype=int)[::-1], np.arange(np.floor(num_column/2), dtype=int))) for column_idx in range(num_column - 1): if column_idx+1 <= np.floor(num_column/2): tmp = num_block*num_coil fit_mat[tmp*column_idx:tmp*(column_idx+1), :] = np.concatenate(( transfer_matrix[:, column_label[column_idx]+1:], transfer_matrix[:, :column_label[column_idx]+1]), axis=1) else: tmp = num_block*num_coil fit_mat[tmp*(column_idx+1):tmp*(column_idx+2), :] = np.concatenate(( transfer_matrix[:, -column_label[column_idx]-1:], transfer_matrix[:, :-column_label[column_idx]-1]), axis=1) # print(fit_mat[-1, :10]) # assert False fit_mat_dim = np.reshape(fit_mat, ( num_block*num_coil, num_column, d2*line_group[(mode, offset)].shape[0]), order='F') fit_mat_dim = np.reshape(fit_mat, ( num_block, num_coil, num_column, d2*line_group[(mode, offset)].shape[0]), order='F') # nonlinear transformation new_fit_mat = np.zeros(( (times_comp+1)*fit_mat.shape[0], fit_mat.shape[1]), dtype=reduced_fourier_data.dtype) tmp = num_block*num_coil*num_column new_fit_mat[:tmp, :] = fit_mat.copy() idx_comp = 0 for idx_adj_1 in range(int(np.ceil(num_block/2))): for idx_adj_2 in range(int(np.ceil(num_coil/2))): for idx_adj_3 in range(int(np.ceil(num_column/2))): fit_mat_shift = np.roll( fit_mat_dim, (idx_adj_1, idx_adj_2, idx_adj_3, 0)) fit_mat_shift = np.reshape(fit_mat_shift, ( num_block, num_coil*num_column, d2*line_group[(mode, offset)].shape[0]), order='F') fit_mat_shift = np.reshape(fit_mat_shift, ( num_block*num_coil*num_column, d2*line_group[(mode, offset)].shape[0]), order='F') tmp = num_block*num_coil*num_column*(idx_comp+1) new_fit_mat[tmp:tmp + num_block*num_coil*num_column, :] = fit_mat*fit_mat_shift idx_comp += 1 if idx_comp >= times_comp: break if idx_comp >= times_comp: break if idx_comp >= times_comp: break # Does not work with pinv fit_coef[jj, offset, mode, :] = (np.linalg.inv( new_fit_mat.conj() @ new_fit_mat.T) @ new_fit_mat.conj() @ target_vec.T).squeeze() del temp_data # Generate the missing lines using superpositions candidate_fourier_data = np.zeros((d1, d2, num_coil, num_block), dtype=reduced_fourier_data.dtype) for mode in range(num_block): candidate_fourier_data[..., mode] = combined_fourier_data for ss in trange(d1, desc='Loop 2'): if not np.argwhere(pe_loc == ss): offset = np.mod(ss, ORF) - 1 for mode in range(num_block): tentative_line_ind = np.arange( ORF*int(np.floor(ss/ORF)) - mode*ORF, ORF*int(np.floor(ss/ORF)) + 1 + (num_block-1)*ORF - mode*ORF, ORF, dtype=int) # tmp = ORF*np.floor((ss-1)/ORF) - (mode-1)*ORF # tentative_line_ind = np.arange(tmp, tmp + (num_block-1)*ORF, ORF, dtype=int) if np.max(tentative_line_ind) < d1 and np.min(tentative_line_ind) >= 0: temp_data = combined_fourier_data[tentative_line_ind, ...] temp_data = temp_data.transpose((0, 2, 1)) tmp = num_block*num_coil fit_mat = np.zeros((tmp*num_column, d2), dtype=reduced_fourier_data.dtype) temp_data = np.reshape(temp_data, (tmp, d2), order='F') fit_mat[ num_block*num_coil*int(np.floor(num_column/2)): num_block*num_coil*int(np.floor(num_column/2)+1), :] = temp_data column_label = np.concatenate(( np.arange(np.floor(num_column/2), dtype=int)[::-1], np.arange(np.floor(num_column/2), dtype=int))) for column_idx in range(num_column-1): if column_idx+1 <= np.floor(num_column/2): tmp = num_block*num_coil fit_mat[tmp*column_idx:tmp*(column_idx+1), :] = np.concatenate(( temp_data[:, column_label[column_idx]+1:], temp_data[:, :column_label[column_idx]+1]), axis=1) else: tmp = num_block*num_coil fit_mat[tmp*(column_idx+1):tmp*(column_idx+2), :] = np.concatenate(( temp_data[:, -column_label[column_idx]-1:], temp_data[:, :-column_label[column_idx]-1]), axis=1) fit_mat_dim = np.reshape( fit_mat, (num_block*num_coil, num_column, d2), order='F') fit_mat_dim = np.reshape( fit_mat, (num_block, num_coil, num_column, d2), order='F') # nonlinear transformation new_fit_mat = np.zeros(( fit_mat.shape[0]*(times_comp+1), d2), dtype=reduced_fourier_data.dtype) tmp = num_block*num_coil*num_column new_fit_mat[:tmp, :] = fit_mat idx_comp = 0 for idx_adj_1 in range(int(np.ceil(num_block/2))): for idx_adj_2 in range(int(np.ceil(num_coil/2))): for idx_adj_3 in range(int(np.ceil(num_column/2))): fit_mat_shift = np.roll( fit_mat_dim, (idx_adj_1, idx_adj_2, idx_adj_3, 0)) fit_mat_shift = np.reshape( fit_mat_shift, (num_block, num_coil*num_column, d2), order='F') fit_mat_shift = np.reshape( fit_mat_shift, (num_block*num_coil*num_column, d2), order='F') tmp = num_block*num_coil*num_column*(idx_comp+1) new_fit_mat[tmp:tmp+num_block*num_coil*num_column, :] = fit_mat*fit_mat_shift idx_comp += 1 if idx_comp >= times_comp: break if idx_comp >= times_comp: break if idx_comp >= times_comp: break # print(offset, fit_coef.shape) for jj in range(num_coil): candidate_fourier_data[ss, :, jj, mode] = ( np.squeeze(fit_coef[jj, offset, mode, :])).T @ new_fit_mat else: candidate_fourier_data[ss, :, :, mode] = 0 # Use ACS lines to obtain the goodness-of-fit coefficients gof_coef = np.zeros((num_coil, ORF-1, num_block), dtype=reduced_fourier_data.dtype) for jj in trange(num_coil, desc='Loop 3'): for offset in range(ORF-1): fit_mat = None target_vec = None for ss in range(len(acs_line_loc)): if np.mod(acs_line_loc[ss], ORF) == offset: valid_flag = True for mode in range(num_block): if not np.argwhere(line_group[(mode, offset)][:, 0] == acs_line_loc[ss]): valid_flag = False break if valid_flag: # temp_mat = [] # print(candidate_fourier_data.shape) # print(candidate_fourier_data[acs_line_loc[ss], :, jj, 0].shape) temp_mat = candidate_fourier_data[acs_line_loc[ss], :, jj, 0][None, ...] for mode in range(1, num_block): temp_mat = np.concatenate(( temp_mat, candidate_fourier_data[acs_line_loc[ss], :, jj, mode][None, ...]), axis=0) if fit_mat is None: fit_mat = temp_mat.copy() else: fit_mat = np.concatenate((fit_mat, temp_mat), axis=1) if target_vec is None: target_vec = combined_fourier_data[acs_line_loc[ss], :, jj][None, ...] else: target_vec = np.concatenate(( target_vec, combined_fourier_data[acs_line_loc[ss], :, jj][None, ...]), axis=1) gof_coef[jj, offset, :] = np.linalg.lstsq(fit_mat.T, target_vec.T, rcond=None)[0].squeeze() # Combine the data from different modes using goodness-of-fit full_fourier_data = combined_fourier_data for ss in range(d1): if not np.argwhere(all_acquired_line_loc == ss): offset = np.mod(ss, ORF) - 1 for jj in range(num_coil): for mode in range(num_block): full_fourier_data[ss, :, jj] += gof_coef[jj, offset, mode]*candidate_fourier_data[ss, :, jj, mode] full_fourier_data[acs_line_loc, ...] = acs_data # Image reconstruction using IFFT2 and sum-of-squares # coil_img = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftshift( # full_fourier_data, 0), 1)), 0), 1) coil_img = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift( full_fourier_data, axes=(0, 1)), axes=(0, 1)), axes=(0, 1)) rec_img = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(coil_img)**2, axis=-1)) coef0 = fit_coef return(full_fourier_data, rec_img, coef0)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass