Source code for

'''Python implementation of the PARS algorithm.'''

from time import time

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree  # pylint: disable=E0611
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]def pars( kx, ky, k, sens, tx=None, ty=None, kernel_size=25, kernel_radius=None, coil_axis=-1): '''Parallel MRI with adaptive radius in k‐space. Parameters ---------- kx, ky : array_like Sample points in kspace corresponding to measurements k. kx, kx are 1D arrays. k : array_like Complex kspace coil measurements corresponding to points (kx, ky). sens : array_like Coil sensitivity maps with shape of desired reconstruction. tx, ty : array_like Sample points in kspace defining the grid of ifft2(sens). If None, then tx, ty will be generated from a meshgrid with endpoints [min(kx), max(kx), min(ky), max(ky)]. kernel_size : int, optional Number of nearest neighbors to use when interpolating kspace. kernel_radius : float, optional Raidus in kspace (units same as (kx, ky)) to select neighbors when training kernels. coil_axis : int, optional Dimension holding coil data. Returns ------- res : array_like Reconstructed image space on a Cartesian grid with the same shape as sens. Notes ----- Implements the algorithm described in [1]_. Using kernel_radius seems to perform better than kernel_size. References ---------- .. [1] Yeh, Ernest N., et al. "3Parallel magnetic resonance imaging with adaptive radius in k‐space (PARS): Constrained image reconstruction using k‐space locality in radiofrequency coil encoded data." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 53.6 (2005): 1383-1392. ''' # Move coil axis to the back k = np.moveaxis(k, coil_axis, -1) sens = np.moveaxis(sens, coil_axis, -1) kxy = np.concatenate((kx[:, None], ky[:, None]), axis=-1) # Oversample the sensitivity maps by a factor of 2 t0 = time() sensr = zoom(sens.real, (2, 2, 1), order=1) sensi = zoom(sens.imag, (2, 2, 1), order=1) sens = sensr + 1j*sensi print('Took %g seconds to upsample sens' % (time() - t0)) # We want to resample onto a Cartesian grid sx, sy, nc = sens.shape[:] if tx is None or ty is None: tx, ty = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(np.min(kx), np.max(kx), sx), np.linspace(np.min(ky), np.max(ky), sy)) tx, ty = tx.flatten(), ty.flatten() txy = np.concatenate((tx[:, None], ty[:, None]), axis=-1) # Make a kd-tree and find all point around targets t0 = time() kdtree = cKDTree(kxy) if kernel_radius is None: _, idx = kdtree.query(txy, k=kernel_size) else: idx = kdtree.query_ball_point(txy, r=kernel_radius) print('Took %g seconds to find nearest neighbors' % (time() - t0)) # Scale kspace coordinates to be within [-.5, .5] kxy0 = np.concatenate( (kx[:, None]/np.max(kx), ky[:, None]/np.max(ky)), axis=-1)/2 txy0 = np.concatenate( (tx[:, None]/np.max(tx), ty[:, None]/np.max(ty)), axis=-1)/2 # Encoding matrix is much too large to invert, so we'll go # kernel by kernel to grid/reconstruct kspace sens = np.reshape(sens, (-1, nc)) res = np.zeros(sens.shape, dtype=sens.dtype) t0 = time() for ii, idx0 in tqdm( enumerate(idx), total=idx.shape[0], leave=False, desc='PARS'): dk = kxy0[idx0, :] r = txy0[ii, :] # Create local encoding matrix and train weights E = np.exp(1j*(-dk @ r)) E = E[:, None]*sens[ii, :] W = sens[ii, :] @ E.conj().T @ np.linalg.pinv(E @ E.conj().T) # Grid the sample: res[ii, :] = W @ k[idx0, :] print('Took %g seconds to regrid' % (time() - t0)) # Return image at correct resolution with coil axis in right place ax = (0, 1) sx4 = int(sx/4) return np.moveaxis(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2( np.fft.ifftshift(np.reshape(res, (sx, sy, nc), 'F'), axes=ax), axes=ax), axes=ax)[sx4:-sx4, sx4:-sx4, :], -1, coil_axis)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass