Source code for pygrappa.slicegrappa

'''Python implementation of the Slice-GRAPPA algorithm.'''

import numpy as np
from skimage.util import view_as_windows, pad
from tqdm import trange

[docs]def slicegrappa( kspace, calib, kernel_size=(5, 5), prior='sim', coil_axis=-2, time_axis=-1, slice_axis=-1, lamda=0.01, split=False): '''(Split)-Slice-GRAPPA for SMS reconstruction. Parameters ---------- kspace : array_like Time frames of sum of k-space coil measurements for multiple slices. calib : array_like Single slice measurements for each slice present in kspace. Should be the same dimensions. kernel_size : tuple, optional Size of the GRAPPA kernel: (kx, ky). prior : { 'sim', 'kspace' }, optional How to construct GRAPPA sources. GRAPPA weights are found by solving the least squares problem T = S W, where T are the targets (calib), S are the sources, and W are the weights. The possible options are: - 'sim': simulate SMS acquisition from calibration data, i.e., sources S = sum(calib, axis=slice_axis). This presupposes that the spatial locations of the slices in the calibration data are the same as in the overlapped kspace data. This is similar to how the k-t BLAST Wiener filter is constructed (see equation 1 in [2]_). - 'kspace': uses the first time frame of the overlapped data as sources, i.e., S = kspace[1st time frame]. This option is not used for Split-Slice-GRAPPA. coil_axis : int, optional Dimension that holds the coil data. time_axis : int, optional Dimension of kspace that holds the time data. slice_axis : int, optional Dimension of calib that holds the slice information. lamda : float, optional Tikhonov regularization for the kernel calibration. split : bool, optional Uses Split-Slice-GRAPPA kernel training method. Returns ------- res : array_like Reconstructed slices for each time frame. res will always return the data in fixed order or shape: (nx, ny, num_coils, num_time_frames, num_slices). Raises ------ NotImplementedError When "prior" is an invalid option. Notes ----- This function implements both the Slice-GRAPPA algorithm as described in [1]_ and the Split-Slice-GRAPPA algorithm as first described in [3]_. References ---------- .. [1] Setsompop, Kawin, et al. "Blipped‐controlled aliasing in parallel imaging for simultaneous multislice echo planar imaging with reduced g‐factor penalty." Magnetic resonance in medicine 67.5 (2012): 1210-1224. .. [2] Sigfridsson, Andreas, et al. "Improving temporal fidelity in k-t BLAST MRI reconstruction." International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007. .. [3] Cauley, Stephen F., et al. "Interslice leakage artifact reduction technique for simultaneous multislice acquisitions." Magnetic resonance in medicine 72.1 (2014): 93-102. ''' # Make sure we know how to construct the sources: if prior not in ['sim', 'kspace']: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown 'prior' value: %s" % prior) # Put the axes where we expect them kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, (coil_axis, time_axis), (-2, -1)) calib = np.moveaxis(calib, (coil_axis, slice_axis), (-2, -1)) nx, ny, nc, nt = kspace.shape[:] kx, ky = kernel_size[:] kx2, ky2 = int(kx/2), int(ky/2) _cx, _cy, nc, cs = calib.shape[:] # Pad kspace data kspace = pad( # pylint: disable=E1102 kspace, ((kx2, kx2), (ky2, ky2), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode='constant') calib = pad( # pylint: disable=E1102 calib, ((kx2, kx2), (ky2, ky2), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode='constant') # Figure out how to construct the sources (only relevant for # Slice-GRAPPA, not Split-Slice-GRAPPA): if not split: if prior == 'sim': # Source data from SMS simulated calibration data. This # is constructing the "prior" like k-t BLAST does, using # the calibration data to form the aliased/overlapped # images. This requires the single-band images to be in # the same spatial locations as the SMS data. S = view_as_windows(np.sum( calib, axis=-1), (kx, ky, nc)).reshape((-1, kx*ky*nc)) elif prior == 'kspace': # Source data from the first time frame of the # kspace data. S = view_as_windows(np.ascontiguousarray( kspace[..., 0]), (kx, ky, nc)).reshape((-1, kx*ky*nc)) # Train a kernel for each target slice -- use Split-Slice-GRAPPA # if the user asked for it, else use Slice-GRAPPA W = np.zeros((cs, kx*ky*nc, nc), dtype=calib.dtype) for sl in range(cs): # Train GRAPPA kernel for the current slice T = calib[kx2:-kx2, ky2:-ky2, :, sl].reshape((-1, nc)) if not split: # Regular old Slice-GRAPPA ShS = S.conj().T @ S ShT = S.conj().T @ T lamda0 = lamda*np.linalg.norm(ShS)/ShS.shape[0] W[sl, ...] = np.linalg.solve( ShS + lamda0*np.eye(ShS.shape[0]), ShT) else: # Split-Slice-GRAPPA for all your slice leakage needs! # Equation (7) from ref. [3]: MhM = np.zeros((kx*ky*nc,)*2, dtype=calib.dtype) # This might be inefficient as we're getting patches # for every single slice for every slice kernel, but it # does run pretty fast and it's pretty memory intensive # to get all patches for all slices outside of the loop. # Maybe use temporary files? for jj in range(cs): calib0 = view_as_windows(np.ascontiguousarray( calib[..., jj]), (kx, ky, nc)).reshape( (-1, kx*ky*nc)) MhM += calib0.conj().T @ calib0 # Find and save the target calibration slice, Mz: if jj == sl: Mz = calib0 MhT = Mz.conj().T @ T lamda0 = lamda*np.linalg.norm(MhM)/MhM.shape[0] W[sl, ...] = np.linalg.solve( MhM + lamda0*np.eye(MhM.shape[0]), MhT) # Now pull apart slices for each time frame res = np.zeros((nx, ny, nc, nt, cs), dtype=kspace.dtype) S = view_as_windows( kspace, (kx, ky, nc, nt)).reshape((-1, kx*ky*nc, nt)) for tt in trange(nt, leave=False, desc='Slice-GRAPPA'): for sl in range(cs): res[..., tt, sl] = ( S[..., tt] @ W[sl, ...]).reshape((nx, ny, nc)) # Return results in fixed order: (nx, ny, nc, nt, cs) return res
if __name__ == '__main__': pass