Source code for pygrappa.ttgrappa

'''Python implementation of through-time GRAPPA.'''

from time import time

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree  # pylint: disable=E0611
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]def ttgrappa( kx, ky, kspace, cx, cy, calib, kernel_size=25, kernel_radius=None, max_kernel_size=25, coil_axis=-1, time_axis=-2, lamda=0.01): '''Through-time GRAPPA. Parameters ---------- kx, ky: array_like k-space coordinates of kspace data, kspace. kx and ky are 1D arrays. kspace : array_like Complex kspace data corresponding to the measurements at locations kx, ky. kspace has two dimensions: data and coil. Unsampled points should be exactly 0. cx, cy: array_like k-space coordinates of calibration kspace data. cx and cy are 1D arrays. calib : array_like Complex kspace data corresponding to the measurements at locations cx, cy. calib has three dimensions: data, time, and coil. kernel_size : int, optional Number of points to use as sources for kernel training. This many nearest neighbors to the targets will be chosen. kernel_radius : float, optional If not None, this radius will be used instead of kernel_size. All sources within this radius of the target will be chosen. Has units same as kx, ky. max_kernel_size : int, optional Maximum number of points in ball when using kernel_radius. If more sources are found, then randomly choose max_kernel_size of them. coil_axis : int, optional Dimension of kspace and calib holding coil data. time_axis : int, optional Dimension of calib holding time data. lamda : float, optional Tikhonov regularization for the kernel calibration. Returns ------- res : array_like The reconstructed measurements with the same size as kspace. Notes ----- Implements the through-time GRAPPA algorithm for non-Cartesian reconstruction as described in [1]_. This implementation uses a kd-tree for kernel selection similar to [2]_. This simplifies searches for kernel geometries and helps make this implementation trajectory agnostic. References ---------- .. [1] Seiberlich, Nicole, et al. "Improved radial GRAPPA calibration for real‐time free‐breathing cardiac imaging." Magnetic resonance in medicine 65.2 (2011): 492-505. .. [2] Luo, Tianrui, et al. "A GRAPPA algorithm for arbitrary 2D/3D non‐Cartesian sampling trajectories with rapid calibration." Magnetic resonance in medicine 82.3 (2019): 1101-1112. ''' # Move da coils to da back and time_axis to the middle kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, coil_axis, -1) calib = np.moveaxis(calib, (coil_axis, time_axis), (-1, -2)) _sx, nt, _nc = calib.shape[:] # Find target locations mask = np.abs(kspace[..., 0]) > 0 sampled = np.argwhere(mask).squeeze() holes = np.argwhere(~mask).squeeze() # Find nearest neighbors using a kd-tree kxy = np.concatenate((kx[:, None], ky[:, None]), axis=-1) cxy = np.concatenate((cx[:, None], cy[:, None]), axis=-1) t0 = time() kdtree = cKDTree(cxy) # use kernel_size nearest neighbors if kernel_radius is None if kernel_radius is None: _, idx = kdtree.query(kxy[holes, :], k=kernel_size+1) idx = idx[..., 1:].squeeze() # first will always be target print('Took %g seconds to find neighbors' % (time() - t0)) # Get targets, sources, and weights. Make sure to collapse # the through-time dimension! t0 = time() S = calib[idx, ...].reshape((idx.shape[0]*nt, -1)) T = calib[holes, ...].reshape((holes.shape[0]*nt, -1)) ShS = S.conj().T @ S ShT = S.conj().T @ T lamda0 = lamda*np.linalg.norm(ShS)/ShS.shape[0] W = np.linalg.solve(ShS + lamda0*np.eye(ShS.shape[0]), ShT) print('Took %g seconds to train weights' % (time() - t0)) # Apply the weights to get reconstructed kspace t0 = time() S = kspace[idx, :].reshape((idx.shape[0], -1)) res = np.zeros(kspace.shape, dtype=kspace.dtype) res[holes, :] = S @ W print('Took %g seconds to apply weights' % (time() - t0)) # use kernel_radius else: idx = kdtree.query_ball_point(kxy[holes, :], r=kernel_radius) print('Took %g seconds to find points in ball' % ( time() - t0)) # We'll have to work one ball at a time because there are in # general an unknown amount of source points associated with # a single target, which kind of sucks... t0 = time() T = calib[holes, ...] res = np.zeros(kspace.shape, dtype=kspace.dtype) for ii, idx0 in tqdm( enumerate(idx), total=len(idx), leave=False, desc='Through-Time GRAPPA'): # First element from the kdtree will be the target idx00 = idx0[1:] # If we have no sources, warn user then skip this target if not idx00: tqdm.write(( 'Warning! No points contained in ball! ' 'Skipping current target! Try larger raidus.')) continue # Too many sources will take FOREVER! if len(idx00) > max_kernel_size: idx00 = np.random.choice( idx00, max_kernel_size, False) # Explicitly calculate the inverse, this should probably # be refactored to use np.linalg.solve()... S = calib[idx00, ...].reshape((len(idx00)*nt, -1)) T0 = T[ii, ...] TSh = T0 @ S.conj().T SSh = S @ S.conj().T lamda0 = lamda*np.linalg.norm(SSh)/SSh.shape[0] W = TSh @ np.linalg.pinv( SSh + lamda0*np.eye(SSh.shape[0])) # inv won't work # Solve for current target S = kspace[idx00, :].reshape((len(idx00), -1)) res[holes[ii], :] = (W @ S).squeeze() print('Took %g seconds to train and apply weights' % ( time() - t0)) # Fill in the known samples and return res[sampled, :] = kspace[sampled, :] return np.moveaxis(res, -1, coil_axis)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass